Why Do You Want To Be A Leader: Exploring The Motivations And Benefits

why do you want to be a leader

Ever catch yourself pondering why some folks feel drawn to the mantle of leadership despite its many trials and tribulations? Well, you’re not alone. I, too, have found myself musing over this question, diving deep into research to unearth answers and potential motivations.

In this enlightening blog post, we’re going on a journey together to explore what truly ignites those leadership aspirations – from the deeply altruistic reasons to those that are perhaps a bit more self-serving.

Are you ready to journey down the rabbit hole and discover the true heart of leadership desire? Let’s embark on career journey!

Key Takeaways

  • There are several reasons why someone may want to be a leader, including the desire to have a greater impactbuild new skillshelp others grow, create positive change/environment, and be a role model.
  • Some motivations for wanting to be a leader that may not lead to effective leadership include seeking solely for financial gain or craving power/fame.
  • It’s important to reflect on your true motivations and ensure they are genuine when considering why you want to be a leader.

Reasons to Want to Be a Leader

why do you want to be a leader

There are several reasons why someone may want to be a leader, including the desire to have a greater impact, the opportunity to build new skills, an interest in helping others grow, the desire to lead effectively create positive change/environment, and the aspiration of being a role model.

Desire to have a greater impact

Being a leader of team project lets me do more. I can make bigger changes that help many people. My ideas can shape our team’s work and lead us to success. Every project we finish has my stamp on it.

This way, I know I am making a real difference.

Opportunity to build new skills

Being a leader opens doors to learn new things. You face fresh tasks interview questions, and challenges each day. This helps you grow your problem-solving skillscritical thinking, and effective leadership ability.

Leadership roles also help enhance good communication skills. You need explicit talk to guide and communicate with your team members. Leaders also get better at listening well and giving useful feedback! In time, these new abilities make you stronger in both your work life and outside it.

Interest in helping others grow

I find joy in helping others succeed. As a leader, I get to guide team members on their career journeys. I show them how to build new skills. We work on problem-solving and critical thinking together.

It feels good to see other leaders in them become great leaders too! This is one of the best parts of being a leader for me.

Desire to create positive change/environment

I want to be a leader because I deeply desire to create positive change and foster a supportive environment. Being in a leadership position allows me to make a difference and improve things for others.

I believe that effective leadership can inspire and empower our team members to reach their full potential and achieve common goals. By creating an open and inclusive work environment, I hope to encourage collaboration, innovation, and open communication where everyone’s ideas are valued.

It is my goal to lead by example and contribute positively to the growth and success of my team leads those around me.

Being a role model

Being a role model is one of the reasons why I want to be a leader. I believe that leading by example can have a positive influence on others. When I take on a leadership position, it allows me to demonstrate good values and behaviors that others can look up to.

By being a role model, I hope to inspire and motivate those around me to strive for excellence and achieve their goals. It’s important for me to set a good example because I understand the impact my actions can have on others, especially in a leadership role where people are looking up to me for guidance and direction.

Being a role model allows me to contribute positively towards creating an environment where everyone feels empowered and supported in their personal and professional growth.

Reasons NOT to Want to Be a Leader

why do you want to be a leader

– Seeking solely for financial gain, craving power or fame, or lacking genuine motivation.

Purely for financial gain

Some people may want to be a leader solely for financial gain. They see leadership positions as a way to make more money and increase their wealth. However, this motivation may not lead to effective leadership.

Leadership should be about more than just money; it should be about making a positive impacthelping others grow, and creating a better environment for everyone involved. If your only reason for wanting to be a leader is financial gain, it’s important to reflect on whether that motivation aligns with the true essence of leadership.

Seeking power or fame

Some people may be attracted to leadership roles because they want to gain power or fame. They believe that being a leader will give them more control over others and make them stand out in the spotlight.

However, this motivation is not genuine and may lead to negative consequences. Leadership should be about serving others and making a positive impact, rather than seeking personal gain.

True leaders focus on the needs of their team and strive to support and create an inclusive and supportive environment where everyone can thrive.

Lack of genuine motivation

Some people may want to become leaders for the wrong reasons. They might be driven purely by financial gainseeking power or fame. This lack of genuine motivation can undermine their effectiveness as leaders because they are not truly invested in the well-being and growth of their team members.

Leadership requires a genuine desire to positively impact and create meaningful change rather than just personal benefits. Genuine motivation is essential for inspiring and empowering others, building trust, and fostering a supportive work environment.

Reflecting on Your Reasons

Take the time to dig deep and truly understand your motivations for wanting to be a leader. Be honest with yourself about what drives you and why you are drawn to taking on this leadership role.

Dig deeper to understand true motivations.

Understanding our true motivations is crucial when wanting to be a better leader ourselves. It’s important to look beyond surface-level reasons and take the time for self-reflection. By digging deeper, we can uncover the underlying desires that drive us toward leadership roles.

This introspection helps us identify if our motivations align with building stronger teams, making positive changes, or helping others grow. Being honest with ourselves allows us to pursue leadership positions for the right reasons and ensures that we are well-prepared to fulfill the responsibilities that come with it.

Be honest with yourself.

It’s important to be honest with yourself when considering interview question of why you want to be a leader. Could you take the time to dig deeper and understand your true motivations? Are you genuinely interested in making a positive impact and helping others grow? Or are you simply seeking financial gain or power? Reflect on your reasons and ensure they align with being a good leader who can positively change the work environment.

Don’t underestimate the value of self-reflection and honesty when pursuing leadership roles.


In conclusion, there are many motivations and benefits for wanting to be a leader. It allows you to have a greater impactbuild new skillshelp others growcreate positive change, and be a role model.

However, it’s important to reflect on your true motivations and ensure they are genuine. Being a great leader is not just about financial gain or seeking power; it requires genuine motivation to make a difference in the lives of others.

So if you want to be a more effective leader here, make sure your reasons come from the heart.


1. Why would I want to be a team leader?

Being a top team member or leader lets you develop leadership skills like problem solving and active listening. You also get more responsibility in the company.

2. What benefits do good leaders provide for their teams?

Good leaders can boost team morale, set clear deadlines, delegate tasks well, and guide effective leaders and their teams towards achieving organizational goals.

3. How does becoming a leader help my personal achievements?

When you become a leader your primary duties may involve importance strategies and leadership development, which could lead to significant personal achievements and better work-life balance.

4. Can showing leadership skills help me during job interviews?

Yes! A sample answer that talks about your desire to be a leader shows employers understand what they other employers seek plus it helps them predict future performance in individual contributors or other roles requiring providing feedback.

5.What regular activities will I need to handle as a team lead?

As a team lead, scheduling weekly meetings with employees is typical among many responsibilities: from setting project objectives through setting deadlines and delegating tasks ensuring both the employee’s progress and organization’s success are on track.

6.How can I become better at being an effective employer?

To develop into an efficient employer involves learning from your experiences and those of others while emulating strategies successful leaders use alongside refining communication abilities across all levels of an organization.