We all know that there are many different types of leadership styles. But what exactly is a good leadership style? How do you know which one is right for your team and organization? We’ll explore the best ones here!
Command and Control
Command and control is a leadership style that involves the leader in charge telling people what to do, controlling the situation, and clearly explaining how things should be done. A command-and-control leader is often authoritarian or even totalitarian; they will tell their team what to do, who should do it, and how much time each person has for their project.
A micromanager controls everything: hours of work per day (or week), deadlines for completion, etc. They can either be good at delegating tasks or bad at it; some micromanagers make their employees feel like children by refusing to delegate work! Others have great ideas but need more time to implement them because they’ve been overworked!
Planning and Organizing
Planning and organizing are different.
Organizing is a process of putting things in order, while planning is the act of thinking about how you want to accomplish your goals. Organizing is more related to management than leadership, whereas anyone can plan with a clear purpose. Leadership involves making decisions based on your values and vision for the future, not by analyzing data or statistics alone.
Believing in You
In the world of leadership, there are many ways to lead. Some may be more effective than others, but they all have challenges. One of the best approaches is believing in yourself and your team.
Believing in You: A Good Way To Lead (Or Not)
The first thing that leaders must understand is that they need help to do everything. They must rely on others for support and collaboration, which means that it’s essential for them to believe in their abilities and their employees’ abilities if they want them to succeed together over time—and not just because it’ll make life easier for everyone involved!
Facilitating unanimity
It would help if you used a friendly tone. If you’re trying to get your team members to agree on a decision, you mustn’t come across as hostile or aggressive. It can make people feel like they’re being judged and will lead them away from the idea more than anything else.
- Use positive language. The best way for this leadership style is for managers facilitating unanimity with their teams using words that include “we” and “our.” For example: “We’ve decided we should implement this new policy.” Or even better: “The team decided they wanted us all involved in making decisions about our financial future.”
Leading with the Heart

Leadership styles are about people. You can’t just be a leader. You have to lead with your heart. And this is true for all types of leaders, whether a CEO or an individual contributor.
Leaders who lead with the heart tend to have a softer touch than those who don’t—but neither approach is better nor worse than another! It’s all about finding what works best for YOU based on your personality and how you connect with others in your team (and beyond). The good news: is there are no correct answers here; it depends on what feels suitable for YOU!
Measuring Results
Measuring results is one of the most essential leadership styles. It’s not enough to have goals and hopes that you’ll hit them; you need an effective way of measuring success to identify areas where improvement is required.
Here are some ways to do this:
- Set measurable goals and objectives every quarter or year (or whatever period suits your organization). If multiple teams are working together on a project, it might be helpful for everyone involved in that project to set their own goals at regular intervals. For example, if each team member has his own goal for how much work he wants to be done by the end of the year, then everyone knows what needs to be done before anything else happens with their department’s budget or other resources.
- Measure progress regularly against those goals using metrics like cost per unit produced or number of defects repaired per unit built—whatever works best for your industry and what your company considers essential enough for customers’ needs/wants/desires to change over time through buying habits, etcetera.
There are many leadership styles, but only some will work for others in every situation.
There are many leadership styles, but only some will work for others in every situation.
For example, some people thrive on being in charge, whereas others prefer to work with others and create a team environment that allows everyone to contribute their best ideas. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is essential to choose the right style for your team or organization.
The most important thing is that you can communicate what type of leader you are so everyone understands how they should act toward each other. If someone needs help understanding, it can lead to conflict and confusion, which isn’t good at all!
We’re not saying that one style is better than another. The best leaders can take advantage of all of them and apply them to their unique situations. And while we don’t expect everyone to embrace the same leadership style, we do hope that by learning more about different approaches to leadership you’ll be able to make decisions in your life with greater clarity and certainty.
For more on this topic, see How to be an influential leader: Top 5 tips from successful CEOs and entrepreneurs.
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